Kevin Smith Goes Beardless Again For Yoga Hosers

Filmmaker Kevin Smith has shed his iconic beard once again, sporting a much different profile from [...]

Yoga Hosers

Filmmaker Kevin Smith has shed his iconic beard once again, sporting a much different profile from what fans and movie buffs are accustomed to.

Smith shaved the beard for a role in his self-directed film, Yoga Hosers, as he revealed on his Facebook page. Smith lost the beard once already for the film, late last year, but had since reclaimed the furry visage.

You can check Smith's fearless evolution below, where he chronicles himself with a trimmed look, a complete baby-face, and then his face with proper make-up in preparation for filming. 

In Yoga Hosers, Smith's comedy-horror film sees two young Yoga buffs who must team with a famed hunter to fight off an evil force that could destroy their important party plans. The film also stars Johnny Depp and Justin Long, and opens on June 1st.
