This week’s episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead is bound to be one that will leave viewers and critics talking for the rest of the season. It was intense, fast-paced, chaotic and it played so fast and loose with the comics’ continuity that the fans who get agitated by any minor change are surely not reading this recap because they’re still either passed out from stress or off somewhere ranting on a message board.The episode opens with an unseen figure–it’s safe to assume the same unseen figure who watched Carol dissecting the walker last week–carrying a deer carcass and a canister of what looked like fuel through a clearing near the prison. Throwing rocks at a handful of walkers to attract their attention, the stranger leaves half of the deer carcass on the ground, and then hangs the other half inside a building on the prison grounds, escaping from the other side of it with the canister and an axe.Rick, Daryl and T-Dog are on traffic detail with Carol, moving around cars and making plans to remove and burn the bodies of walkers. They soon realize (as seen in this clip) that Glenn and Maggie are up in the guard tower together. The group’s amusement is short-lived, though, as it’s not long before Axel and Oscar arrive.Axel is asking Rick to reconsider their agreement to remain as separate camps, saying that it’s difficult for he and Oscar to live in the cell block with all of their friends’ corpses in it. They can’t dispose of them properly because there’s a fence down on the far side of the prison, and Oscar tells them that every time they try to remove a body, it attracts walkers and they have to run back inside. Axel begs Rick to allow them to join his group of survivors, but Rick rejects their plea, which Oscar says was predictable.Oscar delivers an impassioned speech, telling the survivors that he and Axel would rather try their luck on the road than return to the horror show of their cell block.
The Walking Dead Full Recap: Killer Within
This week’s episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead is bound to be one that will leave viewers and […]