'Arrow' Recap With Spoilers: "Collision Course"

'Collision Course' begins with Oliver being briefed on the murder of Cayden James while in police [...]

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(Photo: The CW, DC Entertainment)

"Collision Course" begins with Oliver being briefed on the murder of Cayden James while in police custody. Oliver then goes into a meeting with his cabinet, where several members express their frustrations with the city not having received the money they wired to Cayden.

Oliver takes a moment to speak with Lance and Thea, and he warns Lance that Dinah is on a rampage trying to find and kill Black Siren.

Dinah and another police detective enter Oliver's office and inform him that Cayden's offshore account has been emptied, and they have no trace who took it. Oliver warns the group that if the money isn't returned within 48 hours, Star City's infrastructure will come to a grinding halt.

The next day, Dinah returns with the detective and the two reveal they finally received the withdrawal logs from the bank and have security cam footage of Laurel making the withdrawal.

We then see that Lance has taken Laurel to a hideout after their previous run-in. He's been taking care of her gunshot wound.

The next day, Lance is speaking with Oliver and Thea at the office. They're brainstorming ways on how to find Laurel, and Lance doesn't let the siblings know he's been taking care of her.

Curtis, Rene, and Dinah are back at the scene where Laurel was shot. Using new technology Curtis made, they find out that Laurel was dragged away from the scene, although they're unable to find out who it was that dragged her.

Lance is back at his hideout with Laurel. They bond over their common love of sweet and sour soup when we see that Thea has followed Lance to the hideout and is looking at the pair through a window.

Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity go to the same alleyway and also find out that Black Canary was taken from the scene. They go to Team Arrow 2.0's hideout and question the trio on if they took Laurel or not. A tense disagreement ends with Oliver pinning Rene against the wall as Diggle and Felicity search the bunker for Laurel. They don't find anything and leave.

Once Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity leave, Rene tells his partners that he planted one of Curtis' listening chips on Oliver. Now, New Team Arrow will be able to hear all of their planning.

At Lance's hideout, Thea enters the cabin and approaches him about hiding Laurel. Thea calls Oliver and puts Laurel on speakerphone. Laurel tells Oliver the only way she'll give the money back is for the team to help her get out of the country without getting hurt by Dinah.

Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity agree to help out, and on the way to Lance's cabin, they're followed by New Team Arrow. Oliver and company eventually lose NTA and dispatch of the tracking device that was placed on Oliver.

New Team Arrow brainstorms a way to find Oliver and company, and Curtis mentions he has a way, but it will physically hurt Diggle.

At the cabin, Diggle begins to writhe in pain. Curtis has hacked the implant in his arm to use it to track Diggle's location.

As Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, and Lance go to transport Laurel, they're met outside by Dinah, Curtis, and Rene. The two teams start fighting as Lance and Laurel escape into the woods behind the cabin. Dinah follows the pair and starts fighting with Lance.

Dinah knocks Lance out and is about to kill Laurel as Curtis walks in and persuades Dinah to stop. Laurel is able to muster enough power to use her powers to blast Curtis and Dinah back as she escapes.

Both teams meet in the woods to continue fighting, but it's revealed that Rene's been seriously injured.

The original team Arrow is meeting at their lair and debate on whether or not to go to the hospital to see Rene. The group eventually decides to go see how their former teammate is doing.

Dinah and Curtis are talking in the waiting room, and Curtis reassures Dinah that they'll track Laurel down and arrest her.

Oliver goes back into the office and prepares to tell his cabinet that they were unable to recover the money that was wired to Cayden James. Oliver informs his colleagues that he's unsure whether they'll ever recover the money.

Dinah and Curtis are informed that Rene's injuries are much worse than they thought, and he'll need to be transferred to a bigger hospital outside of Star City.

Elsewhere, Laurel reappears by a warehouse and pretends that she was kidnapped so that one of the workers will help her.
