'The Flash' Recap With Spoilers: "Therefore She Is"

'Therefore She Is' begins with a flashback of the DeVoe's prior to their marriage. They're [...]

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(Photo: The CW, DC Entertainment)

"Therefore She Is" begins with a flashback of the DeVoe's prior to their marriage. They're seemingly in a lecture group at Cambridge, debating on topics in front of a college class.

Present day, Cisco's working in his lab when a breach opens up and Gypsy sends him a message box. She asks for his update on whether or not Cisco's planning on taking her father's breaching job.

Team Flash gathers around Caitlin, trying to run her through experiments in an attempt to bring Killer Frost back. None of the tests are working and Harry begins to forget more and more information. When the group notices, Cisco is forced to reveal that Harry's thinking cap has damaged his intelligence.

Cisco mentions that Harry's condition is more than likely reversible and Caitlin offers to work on it full-time, but Harry refuses to let her give up her other jobs to help him out.

At Vandermeer Steel, the DeVoes arrive in search of a special alloy. Clifford absorbs all of the allow and when they're on their way out, they're stopped by a security guard. Clifford makes the guard turn the gun on himself, much to the disappointment of Marlize.

The next day, Joe arrives at Vandermeer with Barry, Cisco, and Iris. Barry speeds around the lab and finds a file for an "Alloy 1771" that's missing. Iris returns and tells them "Alloy 1771" was a solar panel used to absorb the sun's energy at 400% the rate. They try convincing Cisco to use his powers to vibe the panel's location but he says he isn't powerful enough to track The Thinker. Barry tries to tell him to combine his power with Gypsy's.

Another flashback, the DeVoe's are having a picnic.

Gypsy arrives and she and Cisco start co-vibing. They see a dock with shipping containers. More specifically, a shipping container with the number 16 on it. They arrive at the docks but they're too late, DeVoe has already gotten the items out of the shipping container.

DeVoe transports Barry elsewhere and knocks both Cisco and Gypsy back. DeVoe escapes. When Cisco and Gypsy get back on their feet, they begin arguing about each other not being focused enough. Barry arrives back at the dock and overhears the Gypsy and her father have offered Cisco a new job.

The team reconvenes at STAR Labs and Barry starts talking to Cisco about the job offer. Bary offers to help guide him in making the right decision.

Another flashback, the DeVoe's are moving boxes into their new home. Marlize begins unpacking a box when she finds a journal of Clifford's she begins reading it. Later, Clifford returns home and Marlize asks him whether or not he believes the stuff he wrote in the journal. She claims it as a manifesto against those involved in the technological sector.

Cecile arrives at Harry's lab and tells him that Joe told her to bring her mental dampener in to get an update. After she removes the dampener, she instantly hears Harry's thoughts yelling at her. Harry tells her the more he thinks, the quicker his mind gets weak.

Barry finds Gypsy at Jitters and tries talking to her about her relationship with Cisco. Barry rushes Gypsy back to STAR Labs, where he can talk to both of them at once. Barry reveals that Cisco hasn't made a decision because he's afraid of leaving his team. As the breaching couple begins to talk about their relationship, an alert goes off and it's shown that there's another break-in at Vandermeer.

Cisco and Gypsy try co-vibing again, but it doesn't work. Bary tries talking to them again, but Iris tries convincing him to stay out of their business and let them figure it out themselves.

Harry and Cecile are talking when Cecile realizes she can hear Harry's thoughts before they disappear. If she writes fast enough, she's able to write down his thoughts before the disappear.

In a flashback, Marlize is working on a project that makes clean water in developing countries. She gets a call on her phone and it's Clifford in tears, he's begging her to come back home. Marlize camp is then attacked by insurgents and she hangs up the phone, leaving Clifford in the dark.

Cisco and Gypsy finally get around to talking. At the same time, they both say that they don't want Cisco to take the job. Cisco tells Gypsy he wants more in their relationship. He's tired of living on different planets. Barry rings in and tells the two that he needs them on the concourse.

Barry's explaining that DeVoe is working on make a system of satellites to control quantum computers that will help spread their "enlightenment" messages. An alarm goes off and the see the DeVoe's are working on stealing the quantum computers.

Barry, Cisco, Gypsy, and Caitlin arrive and try to take the DeVoe's out. As Caitlin tries to bring out Killer Frost, DeVoe uses his powers to begin choking Gypsy. Marlize gets up and refuses to watch DeVoe kill another innocent person. She ultimately convinces Clifford to stop choking Gypsy.

The team rendezvous at STAR Labs. Wells and Cecile rush in to tell them they know DeVoe's plans. He's going to try and use the computers and his powers to reduce the intelligence of everyone on Earth.

Cisco and Gypsy vibe to the Collectors Agency HQ on Earth-19. They decide to end their relationship.

Joe surprises Cecile with a baby shower. Barry notices Cisco is a little down and goes to talk to him about Gypsy. Barry admits he thinks Cisco to the right thing.

Iris talks to Caitlin about her actions earlier. Iris says she thinks Caitlin shouldn't put herself in harms way again but Caitlin reiterates that she'll get Killer Frost back no matter what.

In another flashback, it's revealed Clifford traveled to the hospital Marlize is being held at after their attack. Marlize agrees with Clifford's thoughts that technology is the root of all evil.

Present day, arlize enters Clifford's chair. He tries ordering her out and she's upset that he's trying to take over the world now instead of enlightening it. She reveals that she's leaving Clifford and has trapped him within his own pocket dimension. She leaves.

The mystery girl we've seen before this season knocks on Joe and Cecile's door. She leaves them a birth present and leaves before anyone can ask questions. We see her hiding around the corner and she speeds off, revealing she is a speedster.
