League Of Legends' Sivir Receives Quick Hotfix After Buff

Buffs to one of League of Legends’ lesser-played ADCs, Sivir, didn’t last too long before a [...]

(Photo: Riot Games)

Buffs to one of League of Legends' lesser-played ADCs, Sivir, didn't last too long before a hotfix was quickly pushed the same day that Patch 7.15 rolled out that toned down her waveclear potential.

While some buffs and nerfs usually increase or decrease champs' powers by smaller amounts, Sivir's buff to her Q, Boomerang Blade, was quite the buff for a champion who already is known for being able to smash waves with ease. With her buff, Sivir had 30 damage added onto her Boomerang Blade ability, increasing the damage from 25 to 55. For context, a level 3 Boomerang Blade from Sivir originally had a base damage of 65, a value that the buffed version came quite close to at level one. Consider that damage was applied upon the ability's return as well, albeit at a reduced percentage, and you've got a very strong level 1 ability.

Realizing after the patch went live that the damage buff was too much, some of the damage was taken away to hopefully bring the ability back to a more reasonable state. Riot Meddler put out a tweet the afternoon that the patch went live to let players know that a hotfix had already been pushed for the Battle Mistress, apologizing for not catching how powerful the buff would be before the patch went live.

As Meddler noted in his tweet, the value of Sivir's Q has now been reduced to 35 at level 1. It's still a buff from her previous damage amount, though it's now not quite as oppressive of an ability.

This hotfix to Sivir is just one of multiple hotfixes that have been coming out in the recent patches, so if it seems like you're seeing these quick corrections more often lately, you'd be correct. During the previous patch, players will recall that Singed got quite a few buffs across the board that made him more favorable in the top lane, but he was slightly nerfed the day after the patch came out. Nunu was also hotfixed during the same patch, and Duskblade, later on, received nerfs as well.

Riot Games has said recently that they've improved their hotfixing capabilities by reducing the risk associated with the quick fixes, so it seems likely that we'll begin seeing more hotfixes such as these with future patches.
