League Of Legends' Sion Has Some Sizable Buffs Being Tested

League of Legends’ very own Undead Juggernaut, Sion, isn’t hurting too badly in either the top [...]

(Photo: Riot Games)

League of Legends' very own Undead Juggernaut, Sion, isn't hurting too badly in either the top lane or as a support, but the champion still has some buffs that are being tested on the PBE that'll look to make his late game even scarier to be up against.

The two abilities of Sion's that are currently having buffs tested are his ultimate, Unstoppable Onslaught, and his W, Soul Furnace. Unstoppable Charge's buff is much more direct in the form of a straight-up damage increase, but the changes being made to Soul Furnace aren't tied to his shield, but rather to the passive health-gaining component of the ability.

Currently, Sion gains two health from each minion or lesser monster that he kills through the passive component of his Soul Furnace ability. The benefits from this ability in a solo lane are obvious, but in the support role through the help of the relic shield item, this ability's passive still gets some use and allows him to stack some extra health moving into late game. The changes currently being tested for the ability would increase the health gained to three health per smaller unit as opposed to two. While this might not seem like a hug increase, the extra health per minion can certainly add up when late-game teamfights are what makes or breaks a match.

When asked about the changes to his Soul Furnace ability, Riot Meddler commented that that purpose behind the buff wasn't to move Sion into one role as opposed to another, but was simply to add a bit of power to the champ.

His ultimate is a bit of a different story though as there's a clear reason for its damage increase. While it currently deals 300/600/900 damage per level, the buffs increase it to 400/800/1,200 damage. At the final level, a +300 damage buff is quite a big one if Sion can pull off a long-distance ult, and that's exactly what they want Sion players to do.

"Sion's a tank who often controls fights as much through zones of threat as actual CC/damage (stay out of Q, avoid R, kite his passive, don't be near W)," Meddler answered. "Looking to reinforce that a bit with the R by rewarding cases where he's not just popping it point blank on people and instead getting a bit of charge up in."

These changes are currently being tested and could very well have their values changed a bit before Patch 7.16 goes live later on.
