Does This 'Justice League' Easter Egg Hint At A Heartbreaking Flash Scene?

There was a lot to see in the newest Justice League trailer, but the biggest reveal might just be [...]

There was a lot to see in the newest Justice League trailer, but the biggest reveal might just be in the trailer's audio.

During the trailer, there's a scene that shows Cyborg screaming, but there's no indication as to why. Reddit user Gemasterson went and isolate the trailer's audio though, and seems to have stumbled upon what he's saying. After Affleck's line of "divided, we are not enough", you can hear someone screaming "Barry!"

The name seems to come from Cyborg, and the tone of it seems to be one of pain or stress. What exactly happens to Flash to warrant this reaction? That isn't known, but there are some theories out there.

The first is that it isn't Cyborg at all, but Henry Allen. This could be the result of a flashback scene involving Barry's Father and Mother, but Allen does make an appearance in the film in the present, so this could always be linked to that as well.

The more interesting theory is the one tied to Superman. Cyborg is seen trying to either hack into or activate a Motherbox. The theory goes that Flash is running as fast as he can to generate enough power into the Motherbox to revive Superman, something akin to a crazy superhero version of shock paddles. It's certainly an intriguing theory, and Cyborg could be screaming to Barry as he fades into the speed force from going too fast.

Regardless of what it turns out to be, it's managed to pique the curiosity of fans, and it's pretty phenomenal that it was found at all. Kudos on the sweet detective work. Batman would be proud.

You can hear the clip here.

Superman and his involvement continues to be a mystery of Justice League, as he's largely been missing from the promotional campaign for the film. Fans know he will be in the movie, but when and how he returns are still a mystery. The latest trailer revealed the first actual shot of him, but it was in a flashback from Lois and he wasn't in costume.

Guess fans will just have to wait and see when Justice League lands in theatres on November 17.

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