Shadow of the Tomb Raider E3 2018 Trailer Shows Croft as "One With the Forest"

When the Tomb Raider reboot first released back in 2013, fans of the iconic Lara Croft were [...]

When the Tomb Raider reboot first released back in 2013, fans of the iconic Lara Croft were invited on a journey based on evolution. For veterans of the franchise, we know Croft as this badass, confident adventurer that can take on any challenge. The reboot shows a much different journey, a metamorphosis from a young adult into a weathered survivor with a thirst for knowledge. With Square Enix's E3 showcase, we've got an even closer look at Croft's journey and how she becomes "one with the forest" and how she becomes the Tomb Raider she is destined to be.

The video above showcases all of the different combat tactics Croft can utilize while progressing through the story. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the most immersive of the series, giving more player freedom than ever before. Where as in the first reboot she was scared, confused, and just finding her footing on how to survive: the hunted. In Rise of the Tomb Raider, we saw a more confident Lara that no longer strayed from the truth and instead faced it head on: the hunter. With Shadow of the Tomb Raider, we see a hardened Lara that shies away from no challenge with an almost tunnel vision for the truth - no matter who it hurts: the master.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is far more interactive than the previous two titles. From exploring underwater with this ever present threat of death, drowning, and an underlying feeling of drowning, to scaling alongside a vine-covered wall to control the flow of battle. It is very obvious that this Lara has found her footing and that is absolutely reflecting in the actual gameplay mechanics. She is no longer struggling to survive, to understand her surroundings - now, she is her surroundings, she's in control.

We also spoke with the game's lead designer, Heath Smith, and he said that though Lara's journey is a much darker, inherently conflicted, story that she is very rarely actually alone in the game. The man's voice heard in the reveal trailer, Jonah, plays a large part in keeping Lara rooted, keeps her from losing herself. The Narrative Director told me that he acts as her anchor in-game, to set her straight when her impulses cause more harm than good to those around her.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a much darker journey, one that I am thrilled to go on and seems to be a promising conclusion to a much younger Lara's journey. The journey begins on September 14th.
