Battleship Super Bowl Commercial Review
Taylor Kitsch is showing up so much during Super Bowl XLVI that you would think he was playing in [...]
Taylor Kitsch is showing up so much during Super Bowl XLVI that you would think he was playing in the game. In addition to starring in Disney's John Carter, Taylor Kitsch also plays a role in Universal's Battleship. The Battleship movie is based on the Milton Bradley (now owned by Hasbro) board game of the same name. Of course if the Battleship Super Bowl commercial trailer is any indication, the movie is a far cry from the board game I remember playing as a child. Sure, the classic naval battleships are there, but there are also elements of an alien invasion. There's gigantic metallic spaceships, robot looking aliens, and tons of big explosions. The Battleship trailer might best be described as "Transformers at Sea."
Not that there's anything wrong with that, as each of the Transformers movies has grossed over $300 million at the box office. Of course Transformers movies aren't known for their complex plots, and it doesn't look like Battleship will be either. Then again, a complex plot really isn't needed to make Battleship a hit. People go to see a movie like Battleship to watch things blow up, and judging from the Super Bowl commercial, Battleship blows up things real good. Plus, the presence of Liam Neeson in the film does win the movie some credibility in the acting category.