NFL SuperPro Goes "Noir" In New Super Bowl Poster From Francesco Francavilla

Afterlife With Archie artist Francesco Francavilla is known on social media for drawing pinups and [...]


Afterlife With Archie artist Francesco Francavilla is known on social media for drawing pinups and posters to celebrate some of his favorite TV shows and episodes...

...and tonight he's hit the Super Bowl in one of the most perfectly comics way possible.

That's right, folks: NFL SuperPro.

As we pointed out earlier today, most comic fans think of SuperPro on Super Bowl Sunday. So here's Francavilla:

In the style of Marvel's Noir style of comics, we get SuperPro Noir.

Given the fact that SuperPro was a licensed comic with little artistic value (in most people's opinion), the idea of a gritty reboot is in itself kind of hilarious, but Francavilla's style really sells it.
