Paramount: Star Trek Into Darkness Facebook Page is a Fake

Yesterday, a Facebook page opened proclaiming itself the 'official' page for Star Trek Into [...]

Yesterday, a Facebook page opened proclaiming itself the "official" page for Star Trek Into Darkness, the forthcoming Star Trek sequel from director J. J. Abrams. It stayed pretty quiet for a few hours until last night, when they posted the photo at left and claimed, "An exclusive trailer from Star Trek Into Darkness will be posted when we reach 500,000 likes! Share this to your friends! The fate of our page rests in your hands. Live long and prosper." Predictably, this picked them up a number of fans and media mentions, but it wasn't long before word started getting around the blogosphere that the site is apparently not official. A number of entertainment sites ran with the story at first, and then ended up printing retractions, citing a number of sources. A representative for Paramount Pictures told that the  site is "a fake." Star Trek Into Darkness comes to theaters May 17, 2013, so hopefully the PR campaign should actually get underway soon. In the meantime, if you're going through Trek withdrawal, you can check out the video below, in which Abrams brought the shortest teaser clip in the history of cinema to Conan on TBS not long ago.