Harrison Ford Compares Showing His Kids 'Star Wars' to Riding a Bus

Hollywood heroes don't come much bigger than Harrison Ford, who's played Han Solo, Indiana Jones [...]

Hollywood heroes don't come much bigger than Harrison Ford, who's played Han Solo, Indiana Jones and a variety of other heroic characters. According to the actor, his kids might not have the same opinion of their dad, as he compares showing them his movies to a bus driver asking their kids to go for a bus ride.

"They don't really wanna see my movies," Ford told BUILD Series. "They come to them by themselves when they feel like it. It's like a bus driver saying, 'Hey guys, it's Saturday, wanna go ride on a bus?' 'Not so much, dad.'"

Ford might not push the movies on his kids, but that isn't to say they don't eventually come around to watch them.

"Years ago, my daughter is now nearing 30, I was doing something in the kitchen and I heard her voice, she was watching something on television," Ford recalled. "I heard her voice clearly say, 'Mom, what happened to daddy's face?' She was watching an earlier, younger version of me. She was wondering why I didn't look like that anymore. It's not the same when you're the child of the sausage maker."

It might be hard to think of reasons to complain about being Harrison Ford, but he also mentioned in the interview the joys of his films causing connections between parents and kids that he will never fully be able to embrace.

"Indiana Jones are family kind of films, and one of the great opportunities of my life is that Indiana Jones, Star Wars, stuff like that, gets passed on generationally," the actor pointed out. "And so seeing that – having your father say, 'Come on, let's go see this,' or your mom say… that's very special. And having new generations come along and it's reintroduced again, it's incredible."

The actor might have made his last appearance in a Star Wars film with 2015's The Force Awakens, but that film also introduced the extension of his family with the reveal that he and Leia had a child together, who went on to turn to the Dark Side as Kylo Ren.

We'll see more of Kylo Ren when Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres in theaters December 15.

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