Injustice 2 Getting New Patch, Various Fixes

11/07/2017 09:04 pm EST

Injustice 2 has been a pretty well balanced game thus far since its release earlier in the year, but that isn't stopping NetherRealm from making a few tweaks so it can be even better.

The developer has just released a new patch for the game on Xbox One, and it will be arriving on PlayStation 4 next week. It's very likely that these changes will already be implemented into the PC version when it arrives on the 14th as well.

There are a few stage-specific changes made with the patch, along with a number of gameplay fixes. You can see them broken down below:

General Gameplay fixes

Stage Specific Fixes

Injustice 2 is available now for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and will release next week for PC.

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