Doctor Strange Director Hints At Future Brother Voodoo Appearance

03/03/2017 08:38 am EST

With his first collaboration with Marvel Studios now released on Blu-Ray and DVD, director Scott Derrickson isn't thinking about making a sequel.

He's taking the Avatar approach, thinking about making the next two Doctor Strange sequels. And he might be bringing a familiar character into the fray, if given the chance.

Answering questions rather candidly about the his most anticipated Marvel movie on the upcoming slate, Derrickson gave a candid answer that's just shy of a confirmation that he'll be making more movies about the Sorcerer Supreme.

But Marvel announced their highly ambitious "Phase 3" set of films a couple of years ago, planning three films a year, with quite a few alterations after both Spider-Man came into the fold and Ant-Man did so well.

But the studio with the golden touch might have to make some more room in their schedule after to fit in some of Derrickson's plans.

He was also asked about the appearance of another mystical character whose brother was in the first film, a character who is currently among Earth's Mightiest Heroes in the comic pages of Uncanny Avengers.

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Again, a director's tweets aren't anything to be taken as official confirmation, but if Derrickson is announced as returning to the Marvel fold, we should expect to see Brother Voodoo mix it up with Doctor Strange at some point.

He does have some avenging to do, after all.

Doctor Strange is now on Blu-Ray, DVD, and HD Digital. The character will next appear in Thor: Ragnarok, currently the 6th Most Anticipated Film as rated by users.

Are you excited for the Sorcerer Supreme to mix it up with Odinson? Let us know with your contributions in the Anticipation Rankings below!

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