Anna Kendrick Says She Was Ready to Take an Acting Break, and Then the Pandemic Happened

06/08/2020 08:48 am EDT

Actress Anna Kendrick has been one of the busier performers in Hollywood as of late, leading all sorts of live-action movies, animated hits, and ongoing TV shows in recent months. She starred in the holiday film Noelle for Disney+ late last year, then reprised her role as Poppy in Trolls World Tour, which arrived on demand a couple of months ago, and is currently starring in two new TV series, Quibi's Dummy and HBO Max's Love Life, the latter of which is getting plenty of buzz since its release. Understandably, Kendrick was looking forward to taking a bit of a break from work, but this pandemic was not what she had in mind.

Kendrick recently appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden, talking to the host (her longtime friend) about what she's been up to over the past few months. She acknowledged that she'd been ready to take a breather, but being on lockdown isn't exactly the same.

"The funny thing is that I had finally kind of acknowledged that I kind of needed a little time off and maybe not running around the globe," Kendrick said. "You know working for a month without seeing friends or family for a month at a time. You know, taking a little time off and then a tiny baby global pandemic hit. I was a little like, 'This wasn't what I meant.' I do feel like I'm a little bit concerned that when all this was over the powers that be will be like, 'OK so you're ready to get back to work.' I meant more like go to the movies and stuff. I'm literally locked in my house right now."

So what has she been doing in her time stuck at home? In addition to virtual movie nights with her family each and every week, Kendrick has actually been putting together a bunch of enormous LEGO sets to keep her busy.

"I've gotten through most of the big LEGO sets," she continued. "I am a grown woman, yes James, in case you forgot. But yeah, I've made the Millennium Falcon, the Tower Isengard from Lord of the Rings, and Hogwarts Castle."

You can check out the full interview with Anna Kendrick and James Corden in the video at the top of the page. The first six episodes of Love Life are currently available to stream on HBO Max.

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