Rumor: Fortnite’s Dusty Depot May Be Making a Comeback

09/02/2018 11:00 pm EDT

You may recall earlier in the summer when the Dusty Depot bit the dust in Fortnite, paving the way for Season 4 and creating a crater that introduced a new item into the fold. While this set events in motion, there were some people that shed a tear over the departure of the location. But now it appears that it could be primed for a comeback.

There are a couple of pieces of evidence supporting this argument. The first comes from this Reddit thread, which indicates that the Depot could be making a return with the forthcoming Patch v5.40, which will reportedly drop this Tuesday. However, when we take a look at the image, we see that it's rather blurry and difficult to make out what it is. Some of the Redditors noted that it could be a gas station, but it's too soon to tell without official word from Epic Games.

But supporting the story even further is a new tweet from an account called FortniteeLeaks. According to them, some additional imagery (again, blurry) indicates that the Dusty Depot is being rebuilt, as you can see the changes on the map. According to them, "you can see construction happening, and they are not filling the hole." Check out the tweet for yourself below.

It's really hard to tell if this is real or not, or if this has any ties with the mysterious cube that's been making the rounds within the game. So, for now, you'd be better off taking this with a grain of salt until the update officially drops in a couple of days. But still, if it does come back, we know some fans that would probably be thrilled by its return.

One thing that we do know is happening very soon, however, is the new High Stakes event and Getaway mode that will be introduced very soon to the game. A specific date wasn't given yet, but it's expected sometime in the next few days -- maybe even Tuesday with the new update for the game. We won't have a timeframe yet, but early morning Tuesday seems like the best bet. We know a lot of folks that will no doubt be staying up for this one.

We'll see what happens over the next few hours -- and if the Dusty Depot is in fact primed for a return.

Fortnite is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, mobile and PC.

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