Tower of Fantasy Gives Out Free Loot Following Launch Issues

08/11/2022 09:54 am EDT

The new Tower of Fantasy game from Hotta Studio is officially out now following its release from hours ago, but like any new multiplayer game of this scale, it experienced launch issues upon arrival. Players were having difficulty queueing up for the game and, once in it, were having trouble staying in without getting disconnected, and that's all assuming you could even login to the game. The Tower of Fantasy team acknowledged these issues following the release of the game and said that players who ran into those problems will be compensated accordingly.

The compensation loot in question consists of two different offerings of 300 Dark Crystal. If you don't know what that is yet, you're not alone given that the game must came out, but know that you've got some coming your way that'll be used as an in-game currency.

To receive the rewards, it seems you have to have experienced one of two (or both) of the "Unable to login/disconnection from server" or "Failed account registration/login" issues so long as you played the game before a certain time. If you're eligible based on those criteria, you should see the currency added to your account.

"At present, the problems related to queuing, disconnection and inability to register and login have all been fixed," the Tower of Fantasy team said. "Other problems will be fixed within the next 48 hours."

On top of those whoopsie rewards given out toe players, the studio is giving out 10 Gold Nucleus to all players who register prior to August 17th. That means that unlike the compensation loot, you can easily sign up right now and start playing to secure this.

"Thanks to everyone's love and support, we managed to reach the top of the free games charts in 22 countries before the global version of Tower of Fantasy was launched," the Tower of Fantasy team said. "That's why we hope to show our appreciation to you once again by giving additional compensation to all the dear Wanderers who have supported Tower of Fantasy."

Tower of Fantasy itself has attracted Genshin Impact comparisons due to its art style and the gameplay within, though now that the game's officially out, we'll have to see how it stacks up to its established competitor.

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