Only One Of The Original Avengers Didn't Get A Matching Tattoo

05/08/2018 10:20 pm EDT

To celebrate their investment into the Marvel Cinematic Universe over the better part of a decade, the original stars of Marvel's The Avengers got permanent reminders of the experience with matching tattoos. Of the six original stars of the film, Mark Ruffalo was the only one to opt out of the experience, with the reasons behind that decision are unknown.

Actor Jeremy Renner teased the tattoo over the weekend by sharing a photo of the artist whose services were rendered, Josh Lord, though it was Robert Downey Jr.'s comments with Entertainment Weekly that confirmed Ruffalo was the only member not to join in on the celebration.

"Five of the original six Avengers got a tattoo," the actor confirmed. "And the sixth was the tattoo artist, who gave it to five of us, the one who opted out being Mark Ruffalo. It was (Scarlett) Johansson's idea, and she and (Chris) Evans did it in New York. Then, their New York guy, Josh Lord, who is amazing, flew out to LA, he did me, did (Jeremy) Renner, and then we just bullied (Chris) Hemsworth into doing it, and he got it."

The tattoo itself is a stylized version of the Avengers logo combined with the number "6," representing the six original stars. Lord himself might not have been in the film, but the rest of the cast offered him a surrogate membership with an unconventional initiation.

"And each one of us drew a line on the artist with his own tattoo gun and it was a total massacre. Each of us contributed to giving the tattoo artist the sixth tattoo that he designed for us," Downey detailed. "By the way, he's got another one on him that Scarlett did, which is beautiful, which is crazy, because the line she drew on him, which was just supposed to be a straight line, looked like a lightning bolt. It was a mess."

Whether Ruffalo will eventually decide to get the tattoo at some point in the future is yet to be determined.

Avengers: Infinity War is in theaters now.

Other upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe films include Ant-Man and The Wasp on July 6th, Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, and the fourth Avengers on May 3, 2019. The sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming hits on July 5, 2019, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 lands in 2020.

Are you surprised Mark Ruffalo didn't get a matching tattoo? Let us know in the comments below!

[H/T Entertainment Weekly]

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