'Star Trek: Prometheus' Announced by Big Finish

07/07/2018 05:21 pm EDT

Big Finish is officially taking its first steps into the Star Trek universe.

This week, Big Finish announced its audiobook adaptation of the Star Trek: Prometheus trilogy of novels by German authors Bernd Perplies and Christian Humberg. Big Finish also released the first two installments of the trilogy, Fire with Fire and The Root of All Rage.

The release of the Prometheus trilogy marks the first time that the audio drama publisher has created content based on the Star Trek franchise. The novels were originally written and released in 2016 in German, the first time ever that a Star Trek novel was officially written in the language. English-language versions of the novel were released in 2017.

Here's the synopsis for the first Star Trek: Prometheus novel, Fire with Fire:

"The Federation races to discover the culprits of several terrorist attacks, sending their flagship, the USS Prometheus, to stop war breaking out in the galaxy.

A mysterious terrorist organization has carried out several attacks against the Federation and Klingon Empire. Tensions are running high in a region already crippled by conflict. The perpetrators are tracked to the Lembatta Cluster, a mysterious region of space whose inhabitants, the Renao, regard the Alpha Quadrant s powers as little more than conquering tyrants. The Federation are desperate to prevent more bloodshed, and have sent their most powerful warship, the USS Prometheus, into the Cluster to investigate the threat before all-consuming war breaks out."

The Big Finish adaptation of the novels are narrated by Alec Newman, who played Malik in the Star Trek: Enterprise episodes "Borderland", "Cold Station 12" and "The Augments." He's also voiced other works for Big Finish, including Dark Shadows: Clothes of Sand, Dark Shadows: The Ghost Watcher, Dark Shadows: Kingdom of the Dead, Dark Shadows: Bloodlust, Doctor Who: Blue Forgotten Planet and Doctor Who: The Silent Scream.

The Prometheus trilogy is currently the only Star Trek material that Big Finish has the rights to adapt. However, they did ask for fans to let them know if they'd like to see more Star Trek content, suggesting that that company may be treating Prometheus as a kind of test pilot to judge whether it should pursue additional Star Trek licenses.

Big Finish has produced a multitude of audio dramas, both original and adapted. The studio is best known for its many Doctor Who serials, both long-running and limited, which have seen stars from the television series including David Tennant and Billie Piper reprising their roles from the show.

Star Trek fans have for years been asking for audiobook and audio drama content, with Big Finish's name specifically being tossed around.

Audiobook releases of Star Trek novels have been infrequent in the past, though Simon and Schuster seems to be rectifying that issue as the format has seen a surge in popularity in recent years. All three Star Trek: Discovery prequel novels are available in audiobook format and can be found on Audible, as can the most recent installment of the Star Trek "relaunch" series, beginning with the Star Trek: Prey trilogy. Many older Star Trek novels are also now available in audiobook format.

Do you want to see more Star Trek content from Big Finish? Let us know in the comments!

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