Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi Confirms Marvel's Loki Composer

04/22/2022 03:30 pm EDT

Star Wars upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi event series on Disney+ has locked down the Emmy-nominated composer of Marvel's Loki TV series, Natalie Holt. Holt will be the first woman to ever do the score for a Star Wars project(!), which is both an awesome and wild milestone, all at once. Holt will also be collaborating with Star Wars musical icon John Williams, who is debuting an original piece of thematic music for this version of Obi-Wan Kenobi's character (Ewan McGregor reprising the role), who is ten years into his exile on the planet Tatooine, watching and waiting for a young Luke Skywalker to come of age and embrace his destiny. 

Of course, the other big thrill of the Obi-Wan series will be Kenobi finally having to face what his "brother" Anakin Skywalker has become – quite literally, as Kenobi and Darth Vader are set for an epic duel (or two) in the show. 

With all that on the table, it's no surprise that Natalie Holt has a clear goal for her composition style in mind: 

"Obviously, I'm just thrilled to be mentioned in the same breath as John Williams," Holt told Vanity Fair. "It's been exciting and overwhelming at times, because I'm such a fan. I want to pay respect to the history of it, and do it justice as well."

In the lengthier profile piece, Holt describes being a Star Wars fan since age five, and just how embedded the work of John Wiliams is for her: "For me, the tentpoles are set out by John Williams. There are elements to the show that are new and fresh, and I've been able to have my own interpretation with elements—that I can't reveal. So it's been glorious, working with my hero and also bringing my own voice to the show."

So far, none of Holt's musical score has been heard by the public; the trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi instead used the iconic Star Wars anthem "Duel of the Fates" to build its hype. Holt was willing to at least tease what fans are in for when John Williams' new Obi-Wan theme is finally revealed: 

"t's reflective, and it's just entirely appropriate. And it distills what the show is about in just the perfect way that John Williams can. It's wistful, but there's an element of hope to it. It's doing something new and I think people are going to be really blown away by it."

Holt wowed fans with her quirky-trippy musical score for Marvel's Loki and its TVA shennanigans; she'll also be scoring DC's upcoming Batgirl movie on HBO Max. 

MORE: Full Interview with Loki Composer Natalie Holt

Obi-Wan Kenobi begins streaming on Disney+ on Friday, May 27th. 

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