Fairy Tail Creator Is Working On Its Final Chapter

06/25/2017 10:12 pm EDT

After eight years, it looks like Fairy Tail is truly coming to an end. The popular shonen title has been one of Weekly Shonen Jump's biggest series since its 2009 debut, but creator Hiro Mashima is ready to part with his magical series. Over on Twitter, the artist just confirmed he's working on the final chapter of Fairy Tail's manga now.

Taking to social media, Mashima shared the bittersweet moment with fans from all over the world. The artist posted a photo of his work desk which held the title page for Fairy Tail's final chapter. Mashima captioned the photo, confirming he was finally titling his story's final chapter as work on Fairy Tail comes to an end.

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Earlier this year, fans first learned about Mashima's plan to wrap Fairy Tail. The creator confirmed his manga would be ending soon back in May with a lengthy statement.

"Fairy Tail will be completed in about 2 more volumes," Mashima wrote on his website. "After that, I will feel a bit empty. But it is exciting to think about all the new things that might start later. Thank you so much for the support!"

When Fairy Tail wraps, the series will leave fans with a total of 63 volumes. Its closure also marks the end of yet another internationally popular series with anime and manga fans. Bleach came to a close last year while Naruto saw its manga end back in 2014.

Still, there's always One Piece! The long-running shonen title shows no signs of stopping soon; In fact, its creator Eiichiro Oda confirmed his story is only about 60% done.

If you are interested in catching up with Fairy Tail, you can start the series for cheap right now. Humble Bundle currently has a special going on which prices the manga's first 45 volumes for just $18. At their normal price, the digital volumes would cost upwards of $600.

You can check out Kodansha Comics' summary of Fairy Tail below:

"Cute girl wizard Lucy wants to join the Fairy Tail, a club for the most powerful wizards. But instead her ambitions land her in the clutches of a gang of unsavory pirates led by a devious magician. Her only hope is Natsu, a strange boy she happens to meet on her travels. Natsu's not your typical hero—he gets motion sickness, eats like a pig, and his best friend is a talking cat. With friends like this, is Lucy better off with her enemies?"

If you are not familiar with Fairy Tail, then it is about time you familiarized yourself with the story. The series follows a guild of young, powerful wizards who call Fairy Tail family. Set in a fictional Earth, a boy named Natsu teams up with an unlikely friend Lucy Heartfilia as the latter dreams of becoming a powerful wizard. To date, there are more than 250 episodes of the acclaimed series, and fans can expect more to come in the new year.

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To date, several million copies of Fairy Tail have been sold worldwide. Published by Del Ray in the west, there are over 35 million volumes of the manga in circulation at the moment. Kodansha Comics is now overseeing the release of Fairy Tail projects in the U.S. and other western territories, and the licensing return has helped the publisher amass popularity. Other series like Attack on Titan have also helped bolster Kodansha's visibility outside of Japan, so fans can expect the company to continue pushing out new content as it becomes available.

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