Interspecies Reviewers Finds New Network in Japan

02/28/2020 01:18 pm EST

There is perhaps no more controversial anime in recent memory than Interspecies Reviewers, which has just found its way to a brand new network following the series debut and word of mouth. The anime itself follows a trio of "reviewers" who happen to review brothels that house anthropomorphic characters, partake in the services, and then share their experiences. The series began with both a censored and uncensored version of the anime, and was acquired by Funimation to bring to the west. Unfortunately for the series, Funimation pulled the plug as the controversy surrounding the series began to spread, along with Amazon Prime.

When Interspecies Reviewers came to North America, many fans couldn't believe what they were seeing as the anime itself is far, FAR from being "kid friendly". With the series not shying away from explicit content as the reviewers would visit random brothels, it was eventually shelved by Funimation but continued airing in Japan. With the series being dropped by numerous broadcasters thanks in part to its raunchy subject matter, it seems that a new station has taken up the mantle as the locale for fans of the series to tune in.

The news was shared via Twitter, stating that Interspecies Reviewers would be airing on the broadcasting network of the Gifu Broadcasting System TV Network, giving a new home to the extremely adult adventures of the reviewers as they bounce from brothel to brothel:

The series originally debuted as a manga back in 2016, gaining in popularity to the point that it received a light novel as well. With Studio Passione, the animation house who was also responsible for adapting High School DxD Hero and Rail Wars!, bringing this anime series to life, Interspecies Reviewers has certainly seen its fair share of controversy since airing last year.

What do you think of the news about the controversial anime series? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and whatever is happening with Interspecies Reviewers this week!

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