Archer's Aisha Tyler Compares Season 8 To The New 52

10/07/2016 12:15 am EDT

When Archer starts back up for its eighth season in 2017, the animated spy comedy will deal with season seven's cliffhanger -- Archer being shot in the gut and falling into a swimming pool -- by sending the show into a dream world.

Archer, now in a coma, will play out an extended, elaborate fantasy in which the Figgis Agency crew plays out '40s film noir-style setting, where Lana is a lounge singer and Len Trexler is a gangster.

If all of that sounds like a lot to take in, Archer actress Aisha Tyler had a good explanation for it: she says the altered timeline and tweaked takes on the characters is a lot like DC Comics's 2011 line-wide reboot The New 52.

(Photo: FX)

"For people who are trying to understand this season, I've been describing it like The New 52," Tyler told an audience at New York Comic Con. "I don't know how you feel about The New 52 -- that's for Reddit -- but what I'm saying is that these are the same characters that you know and love but we're getting their stories again, we're getting their relationships again. Superman and Batman don't know each other, they're going to meet each other, and it's going to be new so stop f--king complaining about Batman V Superman because I liked it, I f--king liked it!"

She also spilled a few little details about her character's life in the 1947 fantasy, including the fact that she and Mallory would do quite a lot of butting heads this season.

Archer season eight currently has no official release date, although rumors indicate that it could air as early as January.

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