'Gotham' Recap With Spoilers - "They Did What?"

04/18/2019 09:00 pm EDT

Well, we're almost there. Thursday's new edition of Gotham is the second-to-last episode we'll ever see. Of course, knowing that the series finale next week is a complete flash-forward episode, showing all of the future versions of the beloved Gotham characters, this edition was going to need to wrap up all of the major plot threads stemming from No Man's Land. And oh boy did it do just that.

Let's ruin through the latest episode of Gotham, breaking down all of the big stories and moments that set things up for the pending finale. Just remember, this article is made up of literally nothing but spoilers. You've been warned.

So right off the bat things get going with Nyssa al Ghul, who steals Barbara and Jim's baby, saying she's going to take her away and raise her as her own once she's done with Gotham. Obviously this gets resolved but it takes quite a while. Jim is a little preoccupied with the attack on the city, led by Bane. Remember the stakes: If the villains take over, Gotham has no chance of getting taken back by the mainland.

As you can imagine, Jim and the others are victorious, thanks to a couple of key moments. First off, Bane ends up in a fight with both Selina and Bruce. This happens after Bruce utilizes Jeremiah's remaining bombs to lure Bane and his forces away from the shootout at GCPD. When it's just the three of them, and it looks like Bane will have the upper-hand, Bruce uses one of Lucius' gadgets (nicknamed Nightwing) that emits a high-pitched signal. He places it on Bane's back and the villain is swarmed with bats. Sound familiar?

When Bane regroups, he lines up a firing squad to march toward GCPD and take down Jim, Penguin, and the others. Before going to meet the villain, Jim and Lee send Barbara through the tunnels with the baby and all of the refugees, hoping she will lead them to safety. Jim takes Lee, Bruce, Harvey, Penguin, Riddler, Selina, and a couple of other officers to go toe-to-toe with Bane. He announces that his squad is going to execute them all. However, just before he gives the order to fire, Barbara emerges from the shadows with all of the Gotham refugees. They stand together as a city against Bane, causing his soldiers to put their guns down. The city won, together.

The show fast forwards a little bit to show Jim becoming commissioner. Barbara tells him that she decided to name the baby Barbara Lee Gordon, after the three people that she will always be able to count on. Meanwhile, Bruce informs Jim that he has to leave the city, as he believes it's the only way to keep people like Alfred and Selina safe. He leaves a letter for Selina who finds it just a moment too late. She runs to the airport to see him flying off into the night sky, knowing he might never come back.

Of course, we all know he'll be back in 10 years, this time as the Batman.


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