League of Legends' Rabadon's Deathcap Is "Often Not Worth Buying," Likely Changing In Season 8

10/07/2017 05:46 pm EDT

(Photo: Riot Games)

League of Legends' Rabadon's Deathcap packs quite the AP wallop, but considering how much gold it takes to acquire it, it's not always a worthwhile purchase, according to Riot Meddler.

The item boasts an impressive 120 AP with a unique passive that grants +35 percent AP, so if you're looking for a way to top off a build for a champion with heavy AP ratios, look for this stylish hat. But with so many other options in terms of magic penetration, cooldown reduction, and survivability for mages, this item doesn't always feel great to invest in.

"I expect we'll look at Deathcap yeah, agree it's too often not worth buying at present," Riot Meddler said when asked whether Deathcap will be looked at for changes during the upcoming season.

The AP-item conversation began within a Gameplay Thoughts post from Meddler when a user asked him about the future of AP itemization when considering the changes that are coming with the new runes. Rebalancing the AP items won't be a top priority just yet seeing how the new runes could completely change the way that some champions build their items, but they'll be looked at eventually once everything settles down.

"We're planning to do a pass on AP itemization sometime early in Season 8," Meddler added. "First priority will be getting pre-season stuff balanced and further polished, after that though we'll be looking at a few other things, AP items included."

Meddler also commented that there were no set plans for AD and crit items at the moment, but comparing them to AP items, he said the issues with the latter are much more evident.

"No current plans for an AD/Crit item pass, as with most stuff class versus class balance will be something we reassess once 7.22 hits. AP items we're confident need work regardless by contrast, given a lot of the issues there are more structural (e.g. lack of sufficient choices resulting in things like Morello's first on most mages)."

No specifics were provided on what kinds of changes the AP items and Rabadon's Deathcap specifically might receive in later patches.

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