'Marvel's Spider-Man:' Stan Lee Cameo Revealed

09/07/2018 10:47 am EDT

WARNING: The gameplay clip below, and bits of this article, contain mild, early-game spoilers for Marvel's Spider-Man. If you want to experience this game completely fresh, consider this your final warning.

Marvel's Spider-Man does right by Marvel fans. From beginning to end you can expect all of the action, heartwarming moments, surprises, and cameos that you might expect walking into the theater to see the latest film. Of course, one surprise we always know to look forward to is a Stan Lee cameo. These can be subtle, they can be ice-breakers, and they're always charming. Marvel's Spider-Man has its own Stan Lee cameo, which tickled us to death. Check it out in the gameplay clip above!

In the scene above we see Peter and Mary Jane meeting to talk about the conclusion of an in-game mission, which you'll be wrapping up just moments before this scene plays out. You're introduced for the first time to the "demons," a band of powerful thugs under the direction of Martin Li, also known as Mister Negative. The demons are a new threat in NYC, and players, Peter, and MJ are left wondering why they're here at all.

Of course, it's not all business. Peter and MJ have been broken up for over six months at this point in their story, and their recent work has brought them back together. As they chat, they're both slowly beginning to realize that the past six months has led to a lot of personal change and growth for both of them. It's hinted that Peter's work as Spider-Man had something to do with why they broke up in the first place, but we're not told exactly what the issue was. Don't worry, this doesn't turn out to be a simple damsel in distress scenario -- far from it, in fact.

At the end of the clip there's a bit of romantic tension lingering in the air between MJ and Peter. Neither of them seem at all adversarial or defensive, and when we read between the lines we see that both of them still care very deeply about each other. And we're not the only ones eavesdropping! Stan Lee shows up at the end of the clip, having watched these two interact, to offer his endorsement for their getting back together. They always were his favorite couple!

It's one of the many in-game moments that had us grinning ear-to-ear, and it's something we know Marvel fans everywhere are going to love. Check out our full review of Marvel's Spider-Man right here.

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