MySpace Tom Responds To Elon Musk's Poll About Handing Twitter Off To Someone Else

12/19/2022 03:16 pm EST

Yesterday, Elon Musk held a poll asking users whether they would be in favor of a new Twitter CEO. The move came after yet another controversial new Twitter policy was instituted, and users made their frustration known. A few hours later, Musk seemed to walk back the policy, and followed that Tweet with one asking whether users would be in favor of a new CEO. Musk vowed to abide by the result, and many users commented on the thread. MySpace founder Tom Anderson was quick to jump in, telling Musk that it "depends who you get to run it!"

Tom's reply can be found in the Tweet embedded below.

For those unfamiliar with MySpace, the website was fairly innocuous compared to current social media platforms! While sites like Facebook and Twitter thrive on drama, MySpace had a fairly relaxed atmosphere, and was hugely successful in the mid-2000s. Upon starting a profile, Tom was automatically added as the user's first friend. However, unlike Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, users barely heard from Tom, or had to worry about what he might be doing behind the scenes. The rise of Facebook eventually led to MySpace's demise, but Tom found significant financial success throughout his time with the company. Tom is currently considered "retired," though he does remain active on other social media platforms.

Twitter's recent drama has had old MySpace users clamoring for simpler times, and the idea of Tom being at the helm clearly appeals to a lot of people. As of this writing, Tom's reply has more than 170,000 likes, more than 8,000 Retweets, and more than 3,000 quote Tweets. While more than 57% of Twitter users voted in favor of a new CEO, it seems highly unlikely Tom will end up taking on the role. It also remains to be seen whether Musk will actually abide by the poll, as he said he would. The current Twitter CEO has been oddly quiet since his poll closed earlier today, so users will just have to speculate about what the future holds for the platform! 

Were you a MySpace fan? Do you think Musk will actually step away from Twitter? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter and on Hive at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

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