Xochitl Gomez Teases America Chavez's MCU Future After Doctor Strange 2

07/27/2022 08:44 pm EDT

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness arrived on Blu-ray this week, giving Marvel Cinematic Universe fans an opportunity to add the blockbuster to their physical collection. The film weaved together a stunning amount of new and returning elements, including the live-action debut of America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez), a fan-favorite character from the pages of Marvel Comics. Following Multiverse of Madness, it's still unclear exactly what America's onscreen future holds, although possibilities such as Young Avengers or even the upcoming Avengers: The Kang Dynasty are definitely out there. In a recent interview with ComicBook.com's Phase Zero Podcast to celebrate Multiverse of Madness' home release, Gomez spoke about what she's most excited to explore about America, whenever we see her next in the MCU.

"Yeah! I mean, I haven't gotten told anything yet," Gomez explained in our interview, which you can check out above. "But obviously there's a lot more to America. I think we've only seen a brief introduction to America, and I'm very proud of how she's been received and that people love her and want to see more of her. And it just really warms my heart, because I feel like she's got lots of backstory that's just kind of been waiting to be told, and she's got more to discover about herself and her powers, and her moms of course, and all that. I think there's that."

Gomez also spoke about the dynamic America has with Stephen Strange / Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Wong (Benedict Wong) across Multiverse of Madness, and how the two of them taking her under their proverbial wing will change her going forward.

"It was fun just because you get to see these two people that don't... You would never pair these two people up, ever, and then you just see how much they kind of need one another," Gomez revealed. "And it was also just with Benedict Wong's character, you get to see how these two kind of take her under her wing, especially going to Kamar-Taj at the end of the movie. We see her at Kamar-Taj and she's starting to learn mystic arts. And I think it's really important for her to have this kind of disciplined instructor in her life with Wong. 'Cause especially being on the run and being alone, you need someone to kind of be there for you and call home."

Are you excited for America Chavez's MCU future? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is now available on Digital, 4K, Blu-ray and DVD.

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