Backstage Report on WWE's White Rabbit Mystery

09/20/2022 02:39 pm EDT

WWE has been dropping clues throughout the past week of a mysterious "White Rabbit" making some sort of appearance on this week's Friday Night SmackDown. The hints have ranged from playing Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit" during commercial breaks and at house shows, drop QR codes during Monday Night Raw that lead to short videos embedded on WWE's website and start flicking the lights during Raw's main event. 

The prevailing theory among fans is that all of these hints are leading to the return of Bray Wyatt, who was released by the WWE back in July 2021 under the Vince McMahon regime. All of the teases started popping up as soon as Dave Meltzer reported the two sides were negotiating on a deal for his return. According to @WrestleVotes, the answer to the mystery is being kept under wraps within the company.

"Asked a source about the White Rabbit deal, source said while he suspects its Bray Wyatt, he said it's being 'withheld' from everyone. WWE has been able to draw significant interest from this, w/o it being a 'TV storyline' & they'd like to keep it as quiet as possible," the account wrote. 

Wyatt has been teasing his future in the wrestling business for the better part of a year, but he's been mostly silent on social media recently. Meanwhile, Triple H was asked about the idea of Wyatt returning during a recent interview with Ariel Helwani

"[He is] one of the most — I mean this in the best way possible — crazy creative people I've ever been around," he said. "Mind just never stops thinking of creative, but it's like being in a whirlwind of stuff. So without the harness and without somebody to point the tornado, it's just all over the place. And like he's just [laughs] he's a victim of his own mind, and is creative, and it's just everywhere. But I love working with him, I loved working with him down there [in NXT], and even just being a small part of, as he was creating the Bray Wyatt character, and moments of just helping to harness his — I have no idea where some of the concepts and thoughts come from in his head, like some crazy place, right? But they're wonderfully crazy, but you just have to be able to — like, at some point [say], 'So, stop thinking and let's do this.' Because five minutes later he'll be like, 'Never mind all that other stuff, I got this crazy idea!' And he's off on something else, right? But he's a wonderfully free-flowing creative mind. As long as you can harness them, it's an amazing thing. It's just [laughs] harnessing them takes a lot of work."

h/t 411Mania

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