Happy Birthday! Holly Hunter Turns 57 Today

03/20/2015 12:00 am EDT

Today is actress Holly Hunter's birthday.

A seasoned performer with a number of memorable films, Hunter found fame in 1987 as Ed McDunnough in the Coen Brothers film "Raising Arizona." From there, she held leading roles in popular films like O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Thirteen, and Crash.

Comic book fans will most likely remember Hunter's voice, however, from the Disney/Pixar movie The Incredibles. In the film about a super-powered family, not unlike Marvel's The Fantastic Four, Hunter voiced Elastigirl. Hunter will enter the official comic book movie realm next year, however, in Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, where she is reported to play a U.S. senator.

Born in Conyers, Georgia, Hunter turns 57 today. Happy birthday, Holly Hunter!

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