My Hero Academia Theory Teases Dabi's True Phoenix Quirk

05/22/2022 11:51 pm EDT

If there is one thing the My Hero Academia fandom thrives at, it is crafting theories. Over the years, netizens have called several of Kohei Horikoshi's plot twists, and Dabi has earned himself a number of fan-theories in his time. The manga's final act has only double that production line, and thanks to its latest chapter, it seems fans are all buzzing about Dabi and a theory that suggests his quirk is ready to evolve at last.

Of course, that doesn't mean everyone is in the know about the theory. If you want a breakdown of why some are convinced Dabi's quirk has more to it, keep on reading.

The whole thing began chapters ago when My Hero Academia fans were first told about Dabi and his fragile condition. The villain, despite his wild power, has had a weak constitution since birth thanks to his mom. His body was never able to handle his blue flames, but after his ordeal on Sekoto Peak, the boy somehow survived even with help from Dr. Ujiko.

The madman wasn't sure how Dabi survived, and All For One believed Dabi would die in ten months after coming out of his coma. However, the boy went on to live years despite rough treatment. By the end of his fight with Shoto, Dabi even remarks he cannot believe he is alive, and that idea was echoed this week in My Hero Academia by other pro heroes who saw the battle.

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For fans, well – they believe Dabi has survived all this time because of a passive quirk. The boy was in All For One's care for years unknowingly, so they speculated the man gave Dabi some sort of healing or restoration quirk. This tracks given All For One's warning at the end of chapter 349, and it would explain how Dabi even survived the fire all those years ago. After all, Dr. Ujiko was not as skilled with the nomu back then, and All For One may have enough restoration quirks to fix the issue.

Aside from the practical nature of this theory, My Hero Academia fans have long speculated about a Phoenix quirk given Dabi's history. For one, the mythical bird has fire powers in traditional lore, and they burst into ashes at death's door in order to be reborn anew. Dabi's cremation quirk makes him all too familiar with ashes, and the villain has undergone a rebirth before now. After Toya died on Sekoto Peak, Dabi was born into the world. Now, fans are convinced something is about to make Dabi's rumored Phoenix quirk awaken and bring to life a new Todoroki born from Toya and Dabi's pasts. 

What do you think of this growing My Hero Academia theory? Do you believe something is up with the Cremation villain? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.

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