Rurouni Kenshin: The Final Releases New Trailer

03/10/2021 11:27 am EST

The beginning of the end is on its way for the live-action adaptation of the world of the Battosai, with Rurouni Kenshin: The Final receiving a brand new trailer prior to the movie's release this April in Japan. With the upcoming film being the first of two, with the latter going under the title of Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning, Warner Bros is starting the hype train for what is considered by many to be the best live-action anime adaptations the world over, as the tale of Kenshin is looking to come to a close.

Rurouni Kenshin as a series might be a beloved anime classic, but the franchise is steeped in controversy following the creator, Nobuhiro Watsuki, being charged with possession of child pornography. As a result, the series' manga went on hiatus and no new anime projects have been announced in the past few years. With a Rurouni Kenshin museum exhibit having opened to celebrate the franchise's twenty-fifth anniversary, including original comics that detail how the Battosai received his legendary sword with a dull edge, the anime franchise continues to march forward despite the controversy. The upcoming films will be the final excursions into the live-action world of Kenshin, covering the Jinchu Arc which sees the protagonist having to deal with deadly new threats without the benefit of sight.

(Photo: Warner Bros Entertainment)

The previous three films covered the earlier arcs of the anime series, following Kenshin struggling with his vow to never take another life, while also struggling against the villain Shishio, another Battosai who is attempting to have Kenshin break his promise. With the previous film, Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends, bringing an end to the battle against Shishio, new threats will be bearing down upon Kenshin and his friends in these new installments.

These movies aren't the only live-action adaptations that we've seen covering the world of the Battosai, with a live-action stage play recently covering the Kyoto Arc of the franchise. With the coronavirus pandemic still throwing some serious monkey wrenches into the world of entertainment, which had resulted in the upcoming films being delayed initially, it will be interesting to see if stage plays return for the Battosai at some point in the near future.

Will you be checking out the final two live-action films in the Rurouni Kenshin franchise? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Battosai.

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