Jamie Lee Curtis Calls Halloween Kills a "Masterpiece," Promises It's Worth the Wait

07/08/2020 07:00 pm EDT

Earlier today brought the sad but inevitable news that Universal Pictures had made some changes to their release schedule and officially delayed the upcoming Halloween Kills. Originally scheduled to arrive in October 16 of this year but has since been delayed twelve full months and will now be released on October 15, 2021. Fans were rightfully upset by this news, but frankly so are the creatives behind the film. Star Jamie Lee Curtis took to Twitter to express her own disappointments about the delay, but had high praise for the sequel as she told fans: "I'm as disappointed as you are . It is a masterpiece! It will be worth the WAIT!"

Director David Gordon Green and franchise co-creator John Carpenter penned an announcement letter that came with the delay reveal, writing: "We write this heartbroken over the fact that the delay of our film is even a discussion, but if there's one thing that a career in the film industry has prepared us for, it is the unexpected. Over the past few weeks, our film family has looked at the forecast of theatrical exhibition with obvious concern....If we release it in October of this year as planned, we have to face the reality that the film would be consumed in a compromised theatrical experience. After weighing our options, we have chosen to push the film's theatrical release by one year."

The pair also confirmed that this extra year in their post-production time will allow them to do something that few horror films before them, and no entry in the Halloween franchise has done before, be optimized for an IMAX release. Though what team they're working with was not revealed, Green and Carpenter revealed they're mixing "with one of the greatest design teams that can slash, scream, and creep their way under your skin.

They also offered a tease for what fans can expect from the sequel calling the production on the film "wild and vibrant," in addition to releasing an actual teaser for the film with 30 seconds of footage from the movie.

"We lined up a cast of legacy characters like Laurie and Tommy, Lindsey, Lonnie, Marion, Brackett and The Shape, and then alongside some new faces, we aggressively made the second chapter of our 'Halloween' trilogy," they wrote. "It unfolded into an experience that was a creative playground and we feel confident that our misfit pleasures will be seen as an unexpected entry into this franchise."

Due to the delay of Halloween Kills, its follow-up Halloween Ends has been pushed back on the schedule as well, it's not set for October 14, 2022. Work on that film has also begun.

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