'Ant-Man and the Wasp' Runtime Revealed

Fans of Marvel Studios movies tend to soak up as much information as possible regarding their [...]

Fans of Marvel Studios movies tend to soak up as much information as possible regarding their upcoming releases, and now we know how long fans will be in their seats for Ant-Man and the Wasp.

After reports of runtimes for the Ant-Man sequel hit the Internet, ticket seller Fandango recently confirmed the film's length of 1 hour and 58 minutes.

While that might seem to be one of the shorter Marvel movies, it's actually quite average for their studios releases. The last five Marvel Cinematic Universe films have all clocked in at over two hours long, but Ant-Man and the Wasp has the same runtime of the original Ant-Man.

It's also lock-in-step with Doctor Strange (1 hour 55 minutes), Thor: The Dark World (1 hour 52 minutes), Thor (1 hour 55 minutes), and The Incredible Hulk (1 hour 52 minutes). The original Captain America, Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy films were barely over 2 hours.

With the movie set to come out at the beginning of next month, fans are starting to learn more about the film. It's not going to explicitly deal with the fallout of Avengers: Infinity War, as it will be set before Thanos' arrival on Earth, but it will explain some of the events after Scott Lang joined the battle in Captain America: Civil War.

Director Peyton Reed spoke about the importance of following up this event when Lang decides to return to a life of crime and how it affects his friends and family in San Francisco.

"We definitely had to deal with the ramifications post-Civil War," Reed said. "That was crucial to Scott and crucial to Hope. I mean, it really is like, fundamental in how in the jumping off point about what's going between the two of them at the start of this movie. Outside of that, what I'm really happy about is we're free to tell sort of our freestanding story. Once we establish that as the leaping off point, this thing is going on over here."

While the lack of Thanos' snap might not appeal to some die-hard Marvel fans, it actually makes for a more compelling movie with its own major stakes.

"With huge personal stakes and, and huge other stakes that are really separate of what's going on with Infinity War," Reed said. "So that's is something that was really, really appealing to me is to not have to... We have enough stuff to track in this movie without having to sort of keep abreast of what's going on in that."

Ant-Man and the Wasp premieres in theaters on July 6th.
