DC Teases the Return of the Justice League

01/25/2023 11:01 am EST

The Dawn of DC initiative is now underway, bringing to life a slew of new stories inspired by the publisher's heroes and villains. The storyline was set in motion by the events of last year's Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event — which, in turn, was kickstarted by the apparent death of the Justice League. In the aftermath of Dark Crisis, it has seemed as if the Justice League would be disbanded going forward, setting the stage for the Titans to become the universe's premier super-team. But as a new tease from DC reveals, that might not be the case in the long-term.

On Wednesday, DC announced the first details surrounding its second wave of Dawn of DC books, accompanied with a new roadmap of the total initiative. If you turn the brightness up on the roadmap, it reveals a clear look at some of the titles yet to be officially announced. In addition to a Hawkman symbol and what appears to be a blood-stained Wonder Woman symbol, there is a new logo: "The Return of the Justice League." Of course, we're left guessing exactly when and how the team will return, much less who will be on the new roster. But based on its spot on the map, it appears to be in the latter half of 2023.

(Photo: DC)
(Photo: DC)

What is Dawn of DC?

Beginning this month, Dawn of DC includes the launch of a number of new titles, as well as a rebrand of books like Action Comics and Superman. The new titles in the pipeline include Green ArrowUnstoppable Doom Patrol, Green Lantern, Titans Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Cyborg, Shazam!Steelworks, and The Penguin.

"After the near-Multiverse-ending events in Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths and DC Universe: Lazarus Planet, the DC Universe will be heading toward the light," DC publisher and chief creative officer Jim Lee said in a statement when the initiative was first announced. "With brand-new series and story arcs from some of the top creative members in comics, Dawn of DC is one of our most ambitious initiatives ever and is a chance for us to tell bigger and bolder stories across our line." 

What do you think of DC teasing the Justice League's return? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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