Is PlayStation About to Bring Back a Classic PS1 Series on PS5?

09/09/2021 12:48 pm EDT

Is PlayStation about to bring back a classic PlayStation series that started all the way back on the PS1 via the PS5? Yesterday, PlayStation announced the acquisition of Firesprite Games, a team that is best known for The Playroom series as well as The Persistence, but who is also known to include many staffers that used to work on the Wipeout series, a series that has only seen two releases in the past 10 years, one of which was a PlayStation Vita game, and the other being a re-release of older entries. In other words, the series isn't as prominent as it used to be, but could that be about to change?

Back in August, industry insider and leaker Nick Baker relayed that he heard Wipeout was being brought back via both the PS5 and PlayStation VR 2. Fast-forward to this week, and Baker pointed out that the logo of Firesprite Games looks similar to the font used by the Wipeout series, which it indeed does. 

Below, you can check out the observation for yourself:

At the moment of publishing, it's unclear how much of this Baker speculating versus tipping his hat. Given that Baker broke word that a new entry was in development means the latter is certainly a possibility, but for now, that's all it is, a possibility.

As always, we will be sure to keep you updated as the situation develops. In the meantime, take everything here for what it is, which is speculation. In other words, take it all with a grain of salt.

For more coverage on all things PlayStation -- including the latest on PS4, PS5, PlayStation VR, PlayStation Plus, and PlayStation Now -- click here or, alternatively, check out the relevant links listed right below:

As always, feel free to drop a comment letting us know what you think or let me know over on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_. Would you like to see Wipeout brought back on PS5?

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