WWE Crown Jewel: Roman Reigns Overcomes LA Knight and Retains Undisputed Universal Title

11/04/2023 04:47 pm EDT

The time had finally arrived for the main event of WWE Crown Jewel, and it was for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns came back from some time away and was greeted by the surging star LA Knight, who had become one of WWE's biggest fan favorites since he was last regularly on SmackDown. The two have been going back and forth the past week weeks, and Knight seemed to get under Reigns' skin a bit last week. That led to tonight's Title match, and Knight was more than ready for the challenge. Knight took everything Roman had and even kicked out of a spear, but Reigns is the Champ for a reason, and he was able to weather the early storm of Knight. Then Knight was robbed of a win by Jimmy Uso, who put Roman's foot on the bottom rope during a pin. Knight got revenge on Jimmy, but Reigns took advantage and ultimately pinned Knight for the win. Reigns is still your Undisputed WWE Universal Champion.

Knight came out swinging, punching Reigns, but then Knight ran into a back elbow from the Champ. Reigns mocked Knight a bit before stomping on him, and then the crowd went into overdrive cheering Knight. Reigns got his neck pulled over the ropes and then he knocked the Champ down and went for the cover, but Reigns kicked out. Knight then caught Reigns and slammed him down, but Paul Heyman tried to get at the referee and distract him a bit so Reigns could roll out and catch his breath.

Knight then ran at Reigns and drop-kicked him through the ropes before hitting him with an elbow. Then Knight dove off the apron and clotheslined the Champ. Reigns punched Knight in the back and then tried to follow up by slamming him into the announce table, but Knight caught it and slammed Reigns into it instead. Unfortunately, Reigns slammed Knight into the steel steps next, stopping the challenger in his tracks.

Reigns slammed Knight into the steel steps again before getting into the ring, and the count started. Knight got back in the ring in time, and then Reigns threw Knight into the corner turnbuckle before shushing the crowd. Reigns kept talking with the crowd and then turned his attention to Knight again, slamming him down and going for a cover, but Knight kicked out. Reigns held Knight down and then knocked Knight down again with a clothesline into a pin attempt, but Knight kicked out again.

Reigns hit another clothesline in the corner, and then the crowd started chanting against Reigns. Reigns charged at Knight and collided with him in the corner, and Knight tried to get some space as Reigns kept exchanging comments with the crowd. Knight caught a charging Reigns with a back elbow, and then Knight caught Reigns with kicks to the face before hitting a DDT and knocking the Champion to the mat. Knight couldn't capitalize right away, and both superstars made it to their feet and exchanged strikes. Knight hit several strikes and then hit a crossbody on Reigns. Knight hit a Russian Leg Sweep and then hit a DDT before going for the cover, but Reigns kicked out.

Knight stayed on Reigns, stomping on him in the corner with the whole crowd saying "Yeah". Knight then hit a running knee strike on the Champ and went for a clothesline but Reigns hit a Rock Bottom into a pin attempt. Knight was able to kick out, and Reigns took a minute to taunt the crowd before going for a Superman Punch. Knight picked him up and then dropped him on his back, but then Reigns hit a Superman Punch and went for the cover, only to see Knight kick out once more. Reigns set up for the Spear, but Knight leaped over Reigns and Reigns hit the ring post. Knight stayed on Reigns, hitting some strikes and getting the Champ on the top rope for a Superplex. Reigns blocked it and knocked Knight down, but Knight jumped right back up and hit the Superplex.

Knight went for the elbow and got it, pinning Reigns, but Reigns kicked out at the very last second. Then Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso intervened, as Sikoa drew everyone to the top of the ramp while Jimmy pulled Reigns out of the ring. Knight then grabbed Jimmy, but Reigns hit Knight with a Superman Punch. Reigns went for a spear and got it on Knight, covering him, but Knight somehow kicked out. Reigns kept the pressure on Knight, trying to choke him out, but Knight got to his feet again. Knight then pinned Reigns but Jimmy put Reigns' foot on the bottom rope at the very last minute.

Reigns and Knight locked up on the outside, and Knight tried to deal with Jimmy once there too, slamming Jimmy into the announce table and shattering it. Reigns hit a spear and ran Knight through the barricade, and then once back in the ring, another spear sealed the win, allowing Reigns to retain the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship.

WWE Crown Jewel Card:

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