Bloodline Season 1 Episode 8 Recap with Spoilers: "Part 8"

Bloodline’s “Part 8” opens in the morning after Kevin (Norbert Leo Butz) was attacked and [...]


Bloodline's "Part 8" opens in the morning after Kevin (Norbert Leo Butz) was attacked and robbed by Eric, when a co-worker finds him unconscious. Eric (Jamie McShane) finds Danny (Ben Mendelsohn) at a bar, having a drink with one of their "co-workers," Rafi (Gino Vento) He offers them another odd job, which they accept.

Outside, Eric offers Danny half of the money he got from Kevin, but Danny says it's all his to keep. They follow Rafi to a cockfight, where Danny finds Meg's client Carlos (Eliezer Castro) betting, and drinking.

Kevin is shown at the hospital incredibly bruised. He has three cracked ribs and will have to monitor himself for pneumonia. The doctor recommends that he press charges, but Kevin doesn't want to do it.

John (Kyle Chandler) and Marco (Enrique Murciano) go to an auto service shop to ask about the burned girls. One of the employees initially denies knowing the girl in the "missing" poster, but when John shows him her burned photo, he begins to weep. He reveals that he paid someone $3,000 to bring his daughter into the country from Guatemala but she never arrived.

Sally (Sissy Spacek) allows Danny to change the menus at the restaurant, once he convinces her that he can get the seafood cheaper from other sources.

Rafi finds the key witness for Carlos's trial and convinces him not to testify. Back at the hotel, Meg (Linda Cardellini) tells Carlos that he's off free now, but he's going to have to be extra careful from now on. Later, Danny suggests they hire Carlos as an "extra pair of hands," just part-time, around the hotel.

Kevin doesn't want to contact the police about the assault, in case it messes up his possibility for the loan. John tries to convince him to file a claim. Kevin insists that Nick Widmark – whose mother owns the property that Kevin is trying to buy – is the one who attacked and robbed him.

Later that day, Marco is dancing at his niece's Quinceanera, when Meg shows up by surprise. The party reminds Marco of how much he loves Meg, and he asks her to marry him.

Danny and Carlos appear hard at work for the hotel, until Danny pulls out the bottom of a fish crate to reveal tons of cocaine while Carlos acts as the lookout.

The family meets at the hotel later, where Kevin tells his other siblings and mother what happened – and that he and Belle are getting divorced. Meg thinks that the attack sounded personal, and Danny agrees.

Afterwards, they celebrate Meg and Marco's engagement that night. At one point, Danny exchanges a look with Meg, reminding her that he knows of her previous indiscretions and could hold that against her. 

A woman from the bank visits Kevin in the morning to tell him that she heard about the break-in, meaning they'll need 90 days to evaluate the damages and that he'll need to file a police report. Basically, he's not getting the loan.

John and Danny get drinks that night, where they quickly end up downing way too many shots. Danny starts chatting with a table of younger women, one of whom gives him her phone number for John. Eventually, John gets way too drunk and even throws up outside.

When they arrive home, Diana (Jacinda Barrett) puts John to bed, and their daughter Jane (Taylor Rouviere) asks Danny what they were up to. He simply tells her that they "had some fun" and tells her to go to bed. When Diana angrily tells Danny to leave, he menacingly takes his time to do so.

Kevin stays with Sally that night, struggling through his injuries. She's upset about Belle and more upset that he didn't tell her earlier but still comforts him and invites him to stay there.

In the morning, Danny confronts Meg, because drunken John confessed that Danny still hasn't been re-written into the will. Meg says that it's just a matter of paperwork, and Danny reminds her of their "deal" and the information he has on her. 

Diana tells John that she is worried about Danny, saying that she thinks "something is up" with him. She tells John about him being aggressive and strange after John want to bed, adding that she doesn't want Danny around their kids anymore.

The father of one of the burned girls goes to a shipyard with Marco, where he is able to identify the man he paid – Rafi. 

Danny and Eric continue to work with Rafi and Wayne (Glenn Morshower), delivering the cocaine they've been moving around. It was actually just sugar – part of a test on Wayne's part. Danny has been accepted into their group.

The episode ends by cutting to Kevin and John on the future, talking on the phone during the rainy night, before giving John the untraceable gun. "Danny turned us into that family you don't want to be," John says in a voiceover. "He made a big mistake, and we're all paying for it."
