Samuel L. Jackson Not In Civil War, Wants To Extend Marvel Deal

Samuel L. Jackson will not be appearing as Nick Fury in Captain America: Civil War, the actor has [...]

nick fury

Samuel L. Jackson will not be appearing as Nick Fury in Captain America: Civil War, the actor has revealed.

Jackson's name was conspicuously absent from the lengthy cast list that was revealed when Marvel Studios' next film went into production. Now Jackson has confirmed that he is sitting out of the next Cap film, in a statement to Collider:

"It's an amazing amount of fun. I finally met [comics writer] Mark [Millar], last year, when I was doing Kingsman, 'cause he was on set one day, and I finally got a chance to thank him for making Nick Fury black and changing the whole dynamic. It's really great to be the connective tissue between so many different characters in so many different films, that brings those guys together. But I'm not in Captain America 3. I can't figure that out, but I'm not. I guess I'm still out there, trying to figure out what happened to S.H.I.E.L.D. and who these other people are."

That said, Jackson isn't quite ready to exit the Marvel universe just yet. He revealed that he's currently in the process of negotiating a contract extension:

"Of course [I'm interested in returning]! I'm looking for a contract extension right now, yeah. I'm looking to re-up."

So where we will Nick Fury show up next? That likely depends on if and when Jackson signs a new deal.
