Mike Colter On If Luke Cage Is Team Captain America Or Team Iron Man

In the comics, Luke Cage has formed a substantial bond with Steve Rogers, so much so that he sided [...]

In the comics, Luke Cage has formed a substantial bond with Steve Rogers, so much so that he sided with him wholeheartedly during the events of the first Civil War, going underground with the other exiled Avengers.

In the TV and movie universes, however, those two have yet to meet each other nonetheless become friends, and so Cage's loyalty comes down to something much more tangible in contrast, and that's money. During a recent Empire Live, Luke Cage actor Mike Colter was asked if he fell on Team Cap or Team Stark.

"Team Cap or Team Stark? Luke would be, 'Who's paying more?'" Mike Colter talks Luke Cage at #AAEmpireLive"

That point of view makes sense, as the character is well known for his various Heroes for Hire teams, which often included Iron Fist right alongside him. As for who pays more, you couldn't be blamed for automatically going with Tony Stark, as he does happen to be a billionaire. While Captain America doesn't have Stark's funds, that doesn't mean he lacks a money flow. Nick Fury is constantly off the grid, and yet he always seems to be just fine, and Cap would be no different.

On top of that, he and his rebel Avengers are currently in the posh surroundings of Wakanda, and Black Panther isn't exactly hurting for money. If it came down to it, Cap and Panther could probably broker a nice deal with the indestructible Cage, and their roster would be all the better for it.

Captain America: Civil War is out now on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital services. Luke Cage hits Netflix on September 30th.
