One Piece Explains Why Kaido's Kid Is Determined to Save Momo

11/06/2020 01:22 pm EST

The War For Wano rages in the pages of One Piece's manga, with a number of different story lines playing out in real time as the Straw Hat Pirates attempt to bring down Kaido and the Beast Pirates once and for all, while also giving us the opportunity to explore the character of Yamato and why the child of Kaido is seeking to save the offspring of Oden, Momonosuke. The latest installment of Eiichiro Oda's epic anime franchise has put Momo through the ringer, so Yamato is definitely coming at the right time to add some hope to his life!

Warning! If you have yet to read the latest chapter of One Piece's manga, Chapter 994, you might want to steer clear of the rest of this article as we'll be diving into some serious spoiler territory for the Wano Arc!

Yamato has not only defied Kaido's wishes, the swashbuckler has adopted the title of Kozuki Oden while also attempting to free Momonosuke from his current imprisonment and subsequent torture at the hands of the Beast Pirates. With Momo's freedom close at hand as Yamato stares down Kaido's forces, the pirate reveals that the inheritor of Oden's name was actually present to witness the wandering samurai's demise! Yamato thus promised to save Momonosuke and broke down the events that led to this chapter's events!

(Photo: Viz Media)

"Your words brought tears to my eyes! The life of Kozuki Oden brought tears to my eyes! Momonosuke! On that terrible day, I ran to Kuri to save your life! But I'm sorry, all I could do was watch as Kaido dangled you over the edge! Back then, I didn't have the strength. I used your father's name earlier, but my other name is Yamato and I would die for you!" Yamato yells in a show of power during the Wano Arc.

Many fans have been debating whether or not Yamato will ultimately join the Straw Hat Pirates as their newest member once the Wano Arc comes to a close, but all signs seem to be pointing to the idea that Kaido's offspring will in fact be joining Luffy and company down the road. With Eiichiro Oda going on record that he is looking to finish the franchise within five years, this might not give Yamato a ton of time as a part of the Straw Hats but the child of Kaido would still be a welcome addition.

What did you think of this latest chapter of One Piece? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line!

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