The Onion Has An Issue With Captain America: Civil War

Of all the online media to focus on Captain America: Civil War, it took The Onion's careful [...]

Civil War

Of all the online media to focus on Captain America: Civil War, it took The Onion's careful examination to bring to light a serious problem in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In movie critic Peter Rosenthal's review of Civil War, he points out that it was extremely hard to follow due to the number of characters involved in the film who had not had origin stories, namely the supporting characters and extras that littered the film. I'll let him speak his piece on the subject.

"in fact, there are literally dozens of supporting characters and even more extras who have not been the subject of their own standalone movie or TV tie-in from Marvel, leaving viewers completely in the dark as to what the hell this movie is supposed to be about."

Rosenthal and his team even did the math, and to fix this problem all Marvel had to do was release the small count of 25,000 additional origin films to make sure every extra had their fair due, and to allow the audience to really invest in this world.

Way to skimp out Marvel.
