MySpace Searches for Serenity - Finds None.

Firefly fans may find this corporate social media move amusing.[Serenity spoilers ahead]Several [...]


fans may find this corporate social media move amusing.

SerenityGIF[Serenity spoilers ahead]

Several friends and I were having a discussion about Facebook not working well lately when I jokingly said we should all switch to MySpace. For those too young to remember, MySpace used to be THE place on the interwebs - basically the Facebook of 2002. But thanks to the fact that they didn't change anything (and the lack of any sort of moderation), it slowly became a sinkhole of racism, terrible band pages and the place where bad GIFs went to die. Think about the level of discourse that normally takes place on YouTube's comment pages - that's about it was like. Anyway. A couple years pass, and a couple different owners later they've just rolled out a massive site redesign - and what do you know? It's quite good. Problem is, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter all exist. The last time they did this, no one switched and this time doesn't seem likely to be any different. So I came up with the funny line (at least what I thought was funny).

Get it? If you've seen Serenity (as I know 99.9% of you had... except maybe my colleague Russ Burlingame) you'd remember that Miranda is the planet that begat Reavers... the completely insane cannibalistic murderers that raid planets around the Firefly universe. Well, MySpace liked the compliment so much their official Twitter account (with over 240,000 followers) favorited it.

Myspace fav tweet

I only hope that whoever runs MySpace's social media is a Browncoat - and knows what the once loved site has become. Here's the reveal from Serenity. [AGAIN, SPOILERS]
