Destiny 2 Glitch Shifts Players Into First Person Emoting - Spoiler: It's Weird

There has been a lot of information coming out now about Bungie's shooter Destiny 2 now that the [...]

There has been a lot of information coming out now about Bungie's shooter Destiny 2 now that the sequel is live on all platforms. The team understandably wanted to wait before "big" reveals for the PC players to catch up on the month-long gap between releases. Now that it's here, Bungie unveiled the details of the upcoming expansion Curse of the Osiris and when it will take place. But just because there is new content to look forward to, doesn't mean players aren't still finding funny little bugs here and there with the current game. Especially with emotes.

The latest in small glitches found, which - phew, thankfully it's not a game-breaking one, allows players to emote into a different vantage point. Guardian 'MiniCorgi' posted footage of the interesting bug that allows players to emote into first person and ... it's actually kind of funny:

At first, it is super confusing. Now that it's seen, it can't be unseen. Apparently there's a specific spot on the Almighty that lets players emote to their heart's content in the most oddball way possible. The longer you stare at it, the weirder it gets.

So far, no one other than Corgi has reported the bug so it's unclear if it's a one time thing or 1AU mission specific. The responses alone in the initial thread are worth checking out alone, we weren't the only ones totally baffled by what were looking at at first.

Who knows if the bug will be targeted in next week's hotfix patch, though Bungie has already revealed their overhaul plans for season 2. Part of the changes coming includes the addition of the emote wheel with new ways to show off a Guardian's unique personality. Including a ramen emote, because necessary.

Destiny 2 is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.
