Super Mario Odyssey Players are Already Breaking the New Balloon Mode

The new balloon mode for the Nintendo Switch darling Super Mario Odyssey has a lot of different [...]

luigi (1)

The new balloon mode for the Nintendo Switch darling Super Mario Odyssey has a lot of different reasons to be excited to jump back into the world of moons and goombas. Not only are there some pretty awesome retro throwbacks, but it also delivers a new experience all together.

Now that the new mode is out, players didn't hesitate to jump right in on their hybrid consoles to experience the action first-hand. They also didn't hesitate when breaking the new mode all together, either. In Luigi's Balloon World, it's essentially an elaborate game of hide-n-seek. One player takes a balloon and hides it anywhere among the worlds to explore within the latest Mario title, and another player is tasked with trying to find it. The name of the game is to earn as many coins as possible.

Greed comes to play a little bit when there are massive amounts of coin on the line and some players learned very early that there is a glitch that allows them to essentially just phase through walls to hide the balloons. Since these areas aren't technically "in the game," it makes it virtually impossible for the other player to find that hidden sweet spot.

One example of this conniving treachery is revealed by Dorkly editor Tristan Cooper:

Cooper by far wasn't the only player to either call out the cheating, or partake. Even the Reddit boards are teeming with frustrated players trying to warn others looking for some whole-hearted fun with balloons ... is that too much to ask for?! Is there nothing sacred anymore?!

In reaction to the mounting frustration, one user is even calling for bans of the exploit:

"It's incredibly frustrating to have my streak ended when there was no way for me to get the balloon without exploiting a glitch in the game," wrote one user that started to rally a call for bans. "I seriously don't understand what kind of sad sap you have to be to make your balloon impossible to get and ruin the fun of the mode just for a few coins."

It's likely that with the amount of attention this is getting that Nintendo will patch the exploit soon. For those not wanting to mess around with the shenanigans: sit down and hang tight. Since there is no report system, players will just have to hope that Nintendo recognizes the problem and will act accordingly.
