'Thor: Ragnarok’s Earlier Cuts “Failed Miserably”

Thor: Ragnarok is just a few days away from hitting U.S. theaters, and its reviews have nothing [...]

Thor: Ragnarok is just a few days away from hitting U.S. theaters, and its reviews have nothing bad to say. The film was recently certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, and longtime Marvel fans say they can't get enough of the sequel's humor. However, according to Taika Waititi, Thor: Ragnarok did not always fare so well with audiences.

During a recent interview with CBR, the director opened up about Thor: Ragnarok and its growth. Waititi admitted that the sequel's runtime was changed drastically and underwent a long post-production process since early cuts of the film didn't go over well.

"It was very tricky. We spent a lot of time in post-production, actually, figuring that out," Waititi said. "It's a very hard thing to strike that balance throughout two hours and 30 minutes, however many minutes this thing is, for that much time that you're engaging in a film."

Continuing, the director went so far as to say the first attempts at Thor: Ragnarok failed to live up to expectations.

"So we failed miserably and had a funny first 10 minutes and then a super-boring rest of the movie," Waititi explained. "But that's luckily why you have such a long time in post-production, because you can test all these things out and get the very best film that you can."

Clearly, Waititi and his team managed to fix whatever bogged Thor: Ragnarok down initially. The film has received glowing reviews from critics and fans. The sequel's streamlined action and light-hearted humor appear to make it the best Thor solo outing to date, and fans would be more than happy for Waititi to tackle the Asgardian a second time if it meant getting another film like Thor: Ragnarok.

Thor: Ragnarok premieres on November 3rd. Give the film your personal Anticipation Ranking below!

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