Wonder Woman 1984: New Chinese TV Spot Features Unseen Footage

11/19/2020 03:28 pm EST

Wonder Woman 1984 news keeps pouring in and we could not be more excited! We learned yesterday that the highly-anticipated DC film will be released on Christmas day in both theatres and on HBO Max in the United States. The news caused a lot of positive reactions as folks finally have a comic book movie to look forward to before the year is over. However, the movie will hit theatres in some international markets a bit earlier. One such place is China, which is getting the flick on December 17th. They also just released a new Wonder Woman 1984 TV spot, which showcases some new footage!

"After #Japan, #HongKong has also released a new #WW84 TV Spot with tons of beautiful new footage confirming debut to DEC 17, same date as other south Asian locations, what means that #WonderWoman1984 will be released from DEC 16 to DEC 18 overseas," @Luiz_Fernando_J shared on Twitter. You can check out the video in the tweet below:

Gal Gadot, who plays the titular character in the film, opened up about the decision to release the movie on HBO Max. "It's time. We've all waited a long time for this one to come," she said. "I can't tell you how excited I am for all of you to see this movie. It wasn't an easy decision and we never thought we'd have to hold onto the release for such a long time but COVID rocked all of our worlds. We feel the movie has never been so relevant and we hope that it'll bring some joy, hope, and love to your hearts. Wonder Woman 1984 is a special one for me and I can only hope it'll be as special to you too. We've put our hearts and souls into it."

In Wonder Woman 1984, Diana (Gadot) is living in the '80s, when she's surprised by the return of her long-dead love, Steve Trevor (Chris Pine). She will face off against Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal) and the Cheetah (Kristen Wiig) while helping Steve get acclimated to the new world in the same way that he did for her when she left Themyscira decades before.

Wonder Woman 1984 will be released in select theaters in the United States on Christmas Day, as well as on HBO Max.

Disclosure: ComicBook is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of Paramount. Sign up for Paramount+ by clicking here.

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