WWE Superstars Read Mean Tweets

, the tag team legends had various superstars read mean tweets about themselves. From Adam Rose to [...]


(Photo: WWE)

The "celebrities reading mean tweets" segments on late night TV are always a good time. The involved celebs get to laugh off some of the most inane and nonsensical comments about themselves from total strangers and get the chance to poke fun of themselves at the same time.

On the WWE Network's Edge and Christian Show That Totally Reeks of Awesomeness (we'll just call that the EC Show for short), the tag team legends had various superstars read mean tweets about themselves. From Adam Rose to John Cena, nobody was safe from these fans.

It was kind of Del Rio to not point out that Twitter is 140 characters not 180, but that would have been a proper heel moment. So have you readers ever sent anything to a WWE wrestler? Did they respond? Tell us the in comments below!
