Kevin Smith Teases Supergirl Event That Will Make You Cry

Kevin Smith has had a great time working with the DC television properties lately, including CW's [...]

Kevin Smith Supergirl

Kevin Smith has had a great time working with the DC television properties lately, including CW's The Flash and CBS' Supergirl, the former of which will feature him as director of an upcoming episode.

On his latest Fat Man on Batman podcast, he teases a big moment coming for Melissa Benoist's Supergirl, one that will hit fans with all the feels, and contains significant ripple effects for the (still as yet unconfirmed) season 2.

"That was the cool part of the show was getting spoiler information about future episodes, because, between the episode that had aired and the episode I was directing, there was like 4 episodes that I hadn't seen. So they gave me two episodes to watch, and without the special effects done and stuff, so I saw them doing a lot of this s*** and whatnot. And that actually made it less intimidating, because I was like Oh, I can handle this. Just shoot this and they add the effects later on, but they were talking about the crossover in a way that it was the first of many, and they told me something that I'm not going to f****** share because it will ruin the end of the season for you, but it is amazing. Something's happening that will affect Supergirl in such a great way, that, you think it's like cute puppies and f****** kittens now? You are going to cry when you see how beautiful this f****** thing is."

Lofty praise indeed. What do you think it is? They've already revealed that alternate universes exist, so maybe it's a full-blown introduction of the entire multiverse? Either way, the fact that more of these crossovers are being hinted at is good news.

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