Disney+ Is A Big Part Of Marvel's Plan According To Kevin Feige

Before we know it, Disney+ will be here and with it, a plethora of new content exclusive to the [...]

Before we know it, Disney+ will be here and with it, a plethora of new content exclusive to the Disney-owned streaming platform. Jon Favreau's The Mandalorian — one such exclusive program — is well into production and there's been a handful of rumored Marvel projects said to be in development for the platform.

According to Marvel Studios Kevin Feige, Disney+ just so happens to be an "exciting" part of the Hollywood studios future offerings. When asked whether or not streaming platforms would be a big part of Marvel Studios' future, Feige revealed that the studios does, in fact, have plans.

"Disney+ is, yes," Feige said on Playback with Kris Tapley. "Which is another exciting avenue and another exciting thing about being at this place at this time and goes back to the amount of characters we have and the amount of stories we could tell."

Feige mentioned that to date, Marvel Studios has, at most, been limited to just three films a year because of Disney's massive, ever-growing film slate. With Disney+, however, the options are endless for Marvel Studios to pump out their original content for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"When we announced ten movies and people asked "Well what about these other things?' the previous stance would be 'We only have a certain number of slots to make movies per year,'" the mega-producer continued. "That's still true but we have another outlet that I think will be very unique and very special."

To date, only a mini-series featuring Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has been confirmed to be a part of Marvel Studios' offerings for Disney+. In addition to Loki, both a Vision and the Scarlet Witch and Rocket Raccoon and Groot series have been reported to have been pitched with the former reportedly debuting sometime in 2019.

With Loki dying in Avengers: Infinity War, it would seem that the mini-series would be a prequel of sorts. At the very least, it does open the timeline up to speculation and raise the question on whether or not the God of Mischief is actually dead.

"Listen... I've heard some amazing theories about this," Hiddleston explained in a recent convention appearance. "I was in a park in London a couple of weeks ago, and some guys came and said hi, and they asked me the same question. They said, 'Hey, listen, we need an answer to this question. All the other times Loki's died' — there's been a few — 'he stabs with his right hand. And now he's stabbing with his left hand.' I was like, 'That's incredible attention to detail.'"

What kind of shows do you hope to see on Disney+? Are you looking forward to Loki or Vision and the Scarlet Witch? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Avengers: Infinity War is now available on home video and Netflix. Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, Avengers: Endgame on April 26, 2019, and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5, 2019.